Trust the past. Plan the future.

Make planning, budgeting, and forecasting more efficient and effective. Achieve effortless analysis and reporting with the world’s most adaptable planning and performance management platform.

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Join 2,900+ Companies using Jedox
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Global finance teams outperform expectations with Jedox

We call this What is Superplännen?

  • Hyper-automate FP&A process to reduce manual efforts
  • Understand drivers and ask “what if?” with an AI-enhanced digital twin
  • Align stakeholders around a single source of truth
  • Drive change management though finance-led digitalization of the business
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Financial Planning and Analysis

Turn numbers into trusted AI-supported insights that guide the business forward.

Integrated Business Planning

Increase collaboration and a shared understanding of the business by connecting financial and operational KPIs.

ESG Reporting

Achieve non-financial reporting requirements and create a single source of truth.

Why Jedox solutions are unique

Adaptable, Excel-like FP&A and performance management software


Operate autonomously with AI and no code capabilities

Involve everyone in the business in value creation through easy-to-understand FP&A solutions.

  • Speed adoption through Excel-like interface and Add-in for Excel 365
  • Uncover insights, forecast revenue, and communicate effectively with AI
  • Empower stakeholders with drag-and-drop dashboards and ad-hoc reporting

  • Create models and business logic rules with self-service templates and assistants
  • Deploy quickly through Best Practice Accelerators
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Control and harmonize financial and operational drivers

Integrate data from any source, across all business systems, to create a single source of truth for management reporting, planning, budgeting, and forecasting.

  • Extract value from all enterprise applications: ERP, HCM, CRM, data lakes
  • Create a common understanding by all business stakeholders
  • Connect strategic, financial, and operational plans to create a digital twin of the business


Plan real-time in ever-changing markets

Build any model or scenario, run unlimited simulations, and outpace the competition.

  • Make confident decisions with transparent AI support
  • Create any set of business logic rules
  • Model any driver and attribute
  • Perform ad hoc analysis in seconds with drag and drop reporting and natural language processing (NLP)-based analysis
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What it’s like to work with Jedox

Leverage Jedox expertise and partner network to start your digital transformation today

2,800+ organizations around the world exceed expectations. Achieve the exhilarating feeling when your organization plans, budgets, forecasts, and analyzes performance the way you envisioned. When you plan for the future and achieve your goals. We call it Superplännen.

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Henkell Freixenet reduces work hours by 80% annually

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From 1,000+ spreadsheets to a unified platform

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EZ-Link completes forecasting process 6x faster

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Reduced time spent in data transfer and consolidation by 98%

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Mantrac reduces time spent on repetitive data integration tasks by 75%

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$500,000 in savings from integration

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Finnish Red Cross reduces budgeting and planning process by 50%

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Increased forecast accuracy with AI-enhanced predictive analytics

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Integrated business planning approach increased scenario planning frequency 3x within months

Schedule a customized demo today