Discover why BARC recognizes Jedox as a Market Leader in Integrated Planning and Analytics
Business Application Research Center (BARC) analysts recognize Jedox as a Market Leader for its adaptable and user-friendly platform for planning, budgeting and forecasting, reporting, dashboarding, analysis, and financial consolidation. Jedox is also recognized for its powerful integration capabilities that enable users to access real-time data from third-party systems, as well as its seamless integration with Excel. The platform’s ability to employ custom planning and analytics as well as predefined solutions also sets Jedox apart from its competitors.
To make smart decisions in a highly competitive and complex market, organizations need real-time data and a high degree of adaptability, according to BARC. This cannot be achieved without integrated planning and analytics (IP&A) software. The BARC Score demystifies the software selection process with a clear, current overview of IP&A market leaders. The report is based on detailed analyst knowledge, extensive survey results, and market research, including feedback from customers. Market leaders are rated on criteria ranging from dashboards and advanced analytics to geographical reach and customer satisfaction.
Corporate planning and forecasting need to be carried out efficiently, in shorter cycles, and must be updated quickly for well-founded decision-making. This cannot be achieved without sound software support.
– BARC Score, Integrated Planning & Analytics, 2023
About BARC
Data Decisions. Built on BARC.
BARC is the leading analyst firm in Europe for technology and the successful use of data & analytics. Our BARC Digital Workplace division complements this focus with expertise in ECM, BPM, CRM and ERP.
BARC user surveys, software tests and analyst assessments in blogs and research notes give you the confidence to make the right decisions. Our independent research gets to the heart of market developments, evaluates software and providers thoroughly and gives you valuable ideas on how to turn data, analytics and AI into added value and successfully transform your business.
Consulting The BARC Advisory practice is entirely focused on translating your company’s requirements into future-proof decisions. The holistic advice we provide will help you successfully implement your data & analytics strategy and culture as well as your architecture and technology. Our goal is not to stay for the long haul. BARC’s research and experience-founded expert input sets organizations on the road to the successful use of data & analytics, from strategy to optimized data-driven business processes.