On-Demand Webinar

Activate Predictive Scenario Planning

  • Reforecast at speed with new internal and external information
  • Plan predicted scenarios based on activity-drivers
  • Deeply understand the cost and income implications at the operational level

Can predictive forecasting and AI give you greater foresight in uncertainty? Traditional scenario modeling is limited by time, data, and by humans – we tend to see the future as an extension of today. Our individual biases show up through loss-aversion, overestimating benefits, and systematically underestimating costs. When modeling the financial impact of disruptive shifts in supply, demand, and volatile markets, these biases may prove disastrous.

With Jedox AIssisted™ Planning, FP&A can confidently provide more agile and robust forecast scenarios to the CEO. By adding depth and speed to your forecasts, you can present different strategies for fixed, negotiable, and controllable costs. You can more accurately predict individual brands and regional demand to lower inventory and free-up working capital. You can increase workforce utilization, stress-test key assumptions and recommendations around capital projects. Your scenarios inform strategic business-critical decisions. Predictive forecasts make them better.

Arun Garudadri

Christine Chao

David Upton