Session 1 – The Profit and Loss Model: Overview and Initial Configuration Steps
Lesson 1: Model Installation

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What will you learn:

  • Model installation


In this introductory lesson for the Jedox Online Course, which focuses on the Models, you’ll see how easy it is to install a Model from the Jedox Marketplace. It’s the Profit and Loss Model in this case, but you would follow the same steps for any other Jedox Model, as Sabrina and Thomas will show you.

  • Course Type

    The Models

  • Duration

    04:04 min
  • Language


  • Speaker

    Thomas Arampatzis
    Sabrina Sebens

Learn More

Don’t forget that you can try out Jedox for yourself for free with a 14-day Cloud trial, and check out the Jedox Blog for some great practical examples and our user documentation resource at the Jedox Knowledge Base.

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