Session 5: Data Entry
Lesson 4 – Distribute Data
You’ve covered four sessions and are ready to get a fifth under your belt. You’ve done a lot with the Jedox platform so far, but make sure that you have the following prerequisites: You feel comfortable with the topics covered so far and can apply your newfound knowledge with confidence. You should have a report handy that you’re eager to use, either one you created yourself by following along with one or both of the sessions on reporting or one of the samples included in your free Jedox trial installation. When you have that report available, it’s time to dive deeper and enter your own new data into the system. Entering data in Jedox can be just as easy as typing your value into the corresponding cell though there are some exceptions, but you’ll learn how to deal with them in this session. You’ve seen how fast data entry is at the base element-level (where every single dimension is represented by base elements in an ad-hoc report, for instance), and now you’re ready to see how to enter data at the consolidated element-level with new splashing commands (e.g. for setting up data distribution along pre-defined ratios): ! and !!. Make a point to only type into the cell: do not hit delete or the backspace because you would be deleting the Palo.Data formula! You’ll soon get familiar with some of the many options for entering data when consolidated elements are involved, which is especially useful for planning scenario. Other topics that will be covered include controlled writeback for when you don’t want data to land in your cube immediately, and some further steps like using named ranges.
Learn More
Get familiar with Jedox as a platform by watching our Platform Basics course, where you can learn how to create ad-hoc reports, customized reports, and set up data models among other things. Check out the Jedox Blog for some great practical examples and our user documentation resource at the Jedox Knowledge Base.